Friday, April 11, 2008

Lutheran Laymen's League Bails LCMS Out of Debt

According to a 1927 CPH publication entitled, "The Concordia Cyclopedia," the original purpose of the LLL was to get the synod out of debt.

Could we call on them to do the same today? PLEASE? The other two original functions of the organization are listed below in the complete entry from the Cyclopedia:

Lutheran Laymen's League. This is a laymen's organization within the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States [the name which the LCMS had before it became The Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod].

At the Milwaukee convention, 1917, Benjamin Bosse (d. April 4, 1922) made the official announcement of its organization. Its original purpose was to collect from wealthy laymen enough money to pay a deficit of $100,000 in the treasuries of the Missouri Synod.

After the deficit was promptly wiped out, the League increased its membership and by an extensive and intensive campaign sought to collect $3,000,000 as an endowment fund, the proceeds of which are to be used for superannuated pastors and teachers and
the widows and orphans of deceased pastors and teachers.

The scope of the League's work, however, has been enlarged so as "to aid the officers and the Board of Directors of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States, with word and deed in business and financial matters." All adult members of congregations affiliated with the Missouri Synod are eligible to membership. The first officers were: T. H. Lamprecht, president; Fred C. Pritzlaff, treasurer; A. G. Brauer, secretary.

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